Annual Report

Annual Report-2023

A comprehensive yearly report detailing the Company's activities throughout the previous year as well as its audited financial statements.

To view the interactive summary highlights of the report

ESG Report

ESG Report 2023

A one-stop shop report that sheds the light on the Company’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) metrics.

To view the interactive summary highlights of the report

Investor Toolkit

Everything you need to know about Alba’s financial performance but in brief.

Financial Statements

Detailed consolidated financial statements in PDF format.

IR Presentations

All you need to know about the Company's operational and financial performance as well as industry insights.

Ad-hoc Releases

Keep you up to date on all Company's main activities that can potentially influence the share price.

Ad-hoc Independent Limited Assurance Report

Standalone Limited Assurance Report performed on select sustainability performance indicators.