Safety First, Safety Always

At Alba, we believe that Safety and Productivity are mutually inclusive. As an employee-centric business, we have the responsibility and duty of care to ensure that our workforce - employees and contractors’ personnel - are safe.

Our approach to promote and improve the overall Safety of our workforce is based on risk management practices as well as leadership engagement with shop-floor employees through direct and two-way communication.

Three Safety Principles have been the guiding philosophies for Alba and its Safety culture:

  • Ownership of SAFETY and ENVIRONMENT is everyone’s responsibility
  • Working SAFELY as ONE TEAM is a condition of employment; and
  • All work-related injuries and illnesses are PREVENTABLE.

SHE In Numbers (2023)

  • Total Health & Safety Audits1230
  • Total Solid Wastes Recycled136628 MT
  • Highest Achieved Safe Hours12 M


Alba continues to place major emphasis on the Occupational Health of its employees, contractors’ personnel, and other stakeholders on its premises.

At the heart of the Company is the Alba Healthcare Centre, which is regarded as one of the most advanced medical facilities available in any industrial organisation in Bahrain.

The Company supports numerous community-oriented programmes to include blood donation drives since 1978. This initiative is held twice a year to support the Central Blood Bank at the Salmaniya Medical Centre.


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Environmental protection is not a choice but a responsibility. It is what we do today collectively that will impact the future of our generations to come.

Alba’s site is ISO14001:2015 certified and Alba campus has been the recipient of Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) Performance Standards since January 2020.

Alba Sustainable Strategy, to be released soon, is based on integrating Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) issues in everything we do and will emphasise our progressive efforts towards reducing GHG emissions, promoting efficient resources and waste management across our value-chain.

Latest Environment Awards

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