Alba’s CEO inaugurates Annual Majlis Sessions 2023
Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba)’s Chief Executive Officer, Ali Al Baqali, inaugurated the Annual Majlis for 2023 on 17 January 2023 at the Oasis Hall.
Attended by Alba’s Executives, Directors, and Managers, the opening session shed the light on the successes Alba celebrated in 2022 as well as lessons learnt as the Company journeys in 2023.
The CEO also unveiled the Company’s 2023 Objectives: 1) Safety is Our Operating License, 2) Al Hassalah Top Up, 3) Be Ready to Take off Safely, and 4) Don’t Limit Yourself, which will guide the Company to taken actions in the present and turn market challenges into opportunities.
Speaking on this occasion, Alba’s CEO Ali Al Baqali said:
“No one ever got anywhere by staying in one place. We want to leap forward in 2023 by working collectively together to be a force for change in line with Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030.
This platform sets us on the right path to make our future happen today and this can be done if we do it together as one team.”
The CEO’s Annual Majlis sessions will continue for 2 more days to conclude on 19 January 2023 and will be delivered in a hybrid format for employees and contractors’ workers across Alba. These sessions aim to foster 2-way communication between the CEO and the Company’s workforce as well as provide guidance to focus on Alba’s vision.