Alba Launches Safety Voice Campaign
Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba), a leader in Employees’ Safety and Health, emphasized its strong Safety culture with launching ‘Safety Voice’ virtual campaign on Monday 02 November 2020.
Alba’s Chief Executive Officer Ali Al Baqali inaugurated the Campaign with a keynote presentation by addressing Alba Family - employees and contractors’ workers - and stressed on the workforce’s role to build a sustainable Safety culture for the generations to come.
The Safety Voice Campaign, to be held virtually from 02 to 11 November 2020, comes as part of Alba’s commitment to empower its Non-Management employees to voice-out their Safety messages via as well as adopt a bottom-up approach for Safety communication. This Campaign will also feature various Safety visits to shop-floor areas led by the Executive Management Team.
On this occasion, Alba’s CEO Ali Al Baqali commented:
“What makes the ‘Safety Voice’ Campaign unique is that it provides our Non-Management employees -- being on the shop-floor and at the heart of Alba’s operations -- the opportunity to use their voice and accordingly be the changes the Company want to see when it comes to Safety Excellence.”
Alba has recently topped 3.5 million working-hours without Lost Time Injury (LTI) and was one of the few smelters in the world to have achieved Zero Lost Time Injuries (LTI) in 2019.